Marquee Accessories: Essential Additions to Enhance Your Event Experience

Russ Sizer • May 20, 2024


When creating a memorable event, the devil is in the details. While the marquee sets the stage, the accessories add the finishing touches and elevate the overall experience. At Zest Marquees in Northamptonshire, we understand the importance of selecting the right accessories to complement your marquee and enhance your event. In this blog post, we'll explore essential marquee accessories that can take your event to the next level of style, comfort, and functionality.

**1. Lighting Solutions:

Lighting sets the mood and ambience of your event, and choosing the proper lighting solutions is crucial for creating the desired atmosphere. Consider options such as fairy lights, chandeliers, uplighting, and spotlights to illuminate your marquee and highlight critical areas such as the dance floor, bar, and seating areas.

**2. Heating and Cooling Systems:

Consider investing in heating and cooling systems for your marquee to ensure the comfort of your guests, especially during outdoor events. Portable heaters or patio heaters can keep guests warm on chilly evenings, while fans or air conditioning units can provide relief from the summer heat.

**3. Flooring Options:

Flooring provides a stable surface for your event and adds style and functionality. Choose from wooden flooring, carpeting, or interlocking tiles to create a comfortable and elegant environment for your guests to walk, dance, and mingle.

**4. Furniture and Seating:

Selecting the right furniture and seating options is essential for creating comfortable and inviting spaces within your marquee. Consider options such as lounge furniture, banquet tables, chairs, and bar stools to accommodate guests and create designated dining, lounging, and socializing areas.

**5. Decorative Elements:

Decorative elements add personality and charm to your marquee, helping to set the tone for your event. Incorporate floral arrangements, table linens, centrepieces, and decorative accents to enhance the overall aesthetic and create a cohesive look that reflects your style and theme.

**6. Audio-Visual Equipment:

Audio-visual equipment is essential for delivering speeches, presentations, and entertainment during your event. Invest in quality sound systems, microphones, projectors, screens, and lighting equipment to ensure clear communication and a memorable entertainment experience for your guests.

**7. Bar and Catering Facilities:

Dedicated bar and catering facilities within your marquee are essential for events that include food and beverage service. Set up a bar area with a selection of drinks, glassware, and bartending equipment and a catering area with food stations, buffet tables, and serving utensils.

**8. Signage and Wayfinding:

Help guests navigate your event with signage and wayfinding solutions placed strategically throughout your marquee. Use signs, banners, and directional arrows to guide guests to critical areas such as restrooms, bars, dance floors, and emergency exits.


From lighting solutions and heating systems to flooring options and decorative elements, marquee accessories play a vital role in enhancing the overall experience of your event. Zest Marquees offers a wide range of accessories to complement your marquee and meet your event needs. Contact us today to learn more about our marquee accessories and start planning your next event with style and sophistication. With the right accessories, your event will surely be a memorable success.

Thinking of hiring a marquee for your next event?


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